Trackpad did not work at all, in Aperion, in BasiliskII, nor SheepShaver – although the mouse button did work, for fire. On Sheepshaver, two fingered scrolling merely changed the selected item in the Finder. The Trackpad worked fine in the Finder in both BasiliskII and SheepShaver.BasiliskII UI is awful, especially the browsing, and the Share folder selection has no browse option, the path has to be typed.Remember to lock the disk images in OSX, to prevent unwanted changes to the original – I noticed that the date last used (modified) changed, on my MacOSTool8 floppy image.
No real issues experienced on both BasiliskII and SheepShaver, when following these guides:
MacOS (System 7) emulation on a Santa Rosa MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz)…